Who are we?
International Projects Coordination at the Institut Les Salines is the area responsible for all initiatives involving international mobility abroad, including apprenticeships, cultural exchanges or stays for studies.
We intend to adapt the educational offer in an increasingly global environments and which work methodologies, study and employment outlook tend to internationalization. We also intend to improve language skills and intercultural for both students and teachers as well as to convey the importance of acquiring new tools in a world where labour and educational networking are the order of the day.
Which are our goals?
1. Establishing a culture of effort focused on the acquisition of skills and competencies that allow adaptation to any labour market and educational system anyone may aim for.
2. Promoting transnational cooperation between our institution and others through projects and knowledge exchanges.
3. Contribute as much as possible to fund all mobility initiatives that might be carried out.
4. Increase the academic and professional performance of all the involved agents
What do we do?
As for the moment, we carry out the following initiatives:
- Work placements, in schools and companies in France and the Netherlands.
- Cultural exchanges jointly with the El Prat de Llobregat City Council, the other schools in the same town and the Saint Joseph 's School in Rush (Fingal - Ireland)
What do we want to do?
- Start all mobility initiatives possible at all educational stages of Vocational Training (medium grade and high grade) in the form of cultural exchanges and work placements.
- Facilitate the more mobility for work placement possibilities the better for Vocational Training.
- Get in touch with as many cultural and educational institutions as possible in order to learn different ways of working.
Who do we want to work with?
- With institutions proposed by the Department d’Ensenyament at Generalitat de Catalunya (Education Department)
- With those schools and institutions that may be susceptible to partnership proposals due to affinity at studies, areas of action, etc.
Who have we worked with so far?
• Lycée Pierre Mendes: (Montpellier - France)
• Lycée Institution La Providence Saint Maló: (Saint Maló - France)
• Lyceé Pierre de Coubertin: (Calais - France)
• Lycée Bessières: (Paris - France)
• MFR Montbrison: (Montbrison - France)
• Aventus College: (Apeldoorn - Netherlands)
• Deltion College: (Zwolle - Netherlands)
• Graafschap College: (Doetinchem - Netherlands)
• St Joseph’s School: (Rush / Fingal - Ireland)
• West Wood Club: (Dublin - Ireland)
• Northern Regional College: (Northern Ireland)
• Vantaan Ammattiopisto Varia: (Varia - Finland)
• Roskilde Tekniske Skole: (Roskilde - Denmarc)
• VOCO Tartu Rakenduslik Kolledž: (Tartu - Estonia)
Links of interest:
- OAPEE –Organismo autónomo de programas educativos europeos(
- Plataforma de mobilitat internacional FP(
- Programa Erasmus+(
Contact: Contact Form
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